What do you do when you're faced with negativism? And how do you deal with it, when it's coming at you from the people you are close to? If you're "strong" enough, the simple truth is to treat them all the same: With fire in your eyes, always "fight" back. This can be useful in many cases, but I'm specifically talking about cases where it involves the stuff that's really important to you; the things in life you hold at the center of your heart(core essence).
Zig Ziglar once said that, "we are born to win, but conditioned to lose." An environment of poverty and a lack of good values, by default fosters the sabotage of others and especially the self; the "crabs in the bucket" mentality. This may be the case scenario for most people, but not me. I am no crab! I am a human! More specifically, a man who chooses to take his lemons in life, and make a business that produces lemon products and distribute them to all people across the world who would benefit.
Corny? Too good to be true? Too optimistic for you? Well, there must be something wrong with the way you're thinking! Why are you still holding on to the things that bring you down? It's because of fear and your personal inadequateness...
Most of us are truly afraid to go to the top, be the best, or succeed at the things they would be most appreciated for. We are born to win, but conditioned to lose; so then change your conditions, most importantly the condition of your mindset, and then begin to win.
Somebody was really nice to share this with me, and I'd like to share this with others as well.
By Maya Angelou
A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends all their time trying to make you look small so they can look tall.
They are very negative people to say the least. Nothing is ever good enough!
When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters. That’s why you have to be careful with whom you share your blessings and your dreams, because some folk can’t handle seeing you blessed. It’s dangerous to be like somebody else.
If God wanted you to be like somebody else, He would have given you what He gave them! Right? You never know what people have gone through to get what they have.
The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they don’t know my story. If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too!
We’ve all got some haters among us! People envy you because you can:
Have a relationship with God
Light up a room when you walk in
Start your own business
Tell a man / woman to hit the curb (if he / she isn’t about the right thing)
Raise your children without both parents being in the home
Haters can’t stand to see you happy, Haters will never want to see you succeed, Haters never want you to get the victory, most of our haters are people who are supposed to be on our side. How do you handle your undercover haters?
You can handle these haters by:
1. Knowing who you are & who your true friends are *(VERY IMPORTANT!!)
2. Having a purpose to your life? Purpose does not mean having a job. You can have a job and still be unfulfilled. A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be. Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you.
3. By remembering what you have is by divine prerogative and not human manipulation. Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live…when its your time to leave this earth, you ‘want’ to be able to say, ‘I’ve lived my life and fulfilled ‘my’ dreams. Now I’m ready to go home!